Home / Products / Vacuum Delivery Suction



The Vacuum pressure does not drop due to a silicon non-return valve and the doctor can concentrate only on delivery.

Very useful for the process of extra Gentle vacuum assisted delivery.

SKU: 20 Category:


Height Trolley

For easy operation

Digital Display of Vacuum

Can be adjusted from 0-600 mm Hg

Foot Switch

The Foot Switch helps the operator to increase the vacuum to required limit and to release & adjust the vacuum level from the Foot Switch.
A. Vacuum Buildup
M. Vacuum Release

Available with

3 cups (Silicon) 50 mm / 60 mm / 70 mm suitable for Occipito Anterior Positions

3 Bird type cups (SS) 40 mm / 50 mm / 60 mm for Occipito Anterior

1 Bird Cup 50 mm for Occipito Posterior

Low Power

Piston Pump

Instad Del

Low Noise
Level 55 dba

protection in Jar

  The Foot Switch operation allows the doctor to increase the pressure steadily without touching the machine.
  The required pressure (600 mm Hg) can be attained in seconds and the pressure will be maintained.

Technical Information for Instad-Del

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